2024 WCFA Learning Extension Days
Posted on Thu, Jan 11, 2024 11:36 AM

Thank you to those who attending the 2024 Learning Extension Days (LED) last week at Loughborough University for our programme "Elephants in the room - grasping the opportunities of the future".
From the start of session #1 the programme was run in a positive stance - desperately important when we were highlighting elephants over a day and a half! Thanks to you too for operating in the same such manner.
Thank you to our presenters for the 2024 LED:
Tom Streeter, YANA - You Are Not Alone, who ran our mental health session; Jane Lane & Sarah Dunning from the Westmorland Family; Julie Robinson of Roythornes Solicitors & Guy Moreton of MorePeople with the last session by Neil Parish, farmer and former MP, who wrapped up the event for us all.
Jack Cordery, CEO of Mole Valley Farmers, our keynote speaker who spoke so eloquently and was incredibly open and honest what elephants he has navigated around in his personal and business life. We know he made an impression on many who attended.
Finally, of course, we were thrilled to have as our dinner speaker Tom Bradshaw, President of NFU & WCFA Member. Tom very kindly kept his diary slot - as we know how busy he currently is; all listened intently as Tom spoke to us for 46 minutes with Q&A - originally we had planned 20 minutes!
Past Master Richard Davies facilitated our feedback session for the WCFA Committee to work with, in planning for the 2025 edition of the LED.
26th November - registration from 14:00 - The Link Hotel:
Session #1 14:30 - "Getting to know your Elephants" - our traditional initial networking event.
Session #2 16:20 - "Rural Mental Heath Support - You Are Not Alone" presented by Tom Streeter, Chair of You Are Not Alone; a Liveryman and ACABM 2003.
Pre-dinner drinks reception will take place between 18:45-19:30 followed by the WCFA LED Dinner. The 2024 after-dinner speaker is Tom Bradshaw, President of NFU and ACABM 2014.
27th November - registration from 8:15am for those joining on the second day - Holywell Park Conference Centre:
At 08:00 many will take aâ walk and talk for #walkwithme for a half hour trip around the campus. Following breakfast at The Link, drive into the University campus as the day events will take place in the nearby Holywell Park.
Session #3 09:00 - Welcome by Christopher Day, Chair of WCFA & Junior Warden and ACABM 1996.
Session #4 09:10 - Education Update by Stephen Watkins, Chair of Education and CRL 2001.
Session #5 09:20 - Keynote speaker presented by Jack Cordery, CEO of Mole Valley Farmers; CRL 2015.
Session #6 10:50 - Elephant 1 presented by Jane Lane and Sarah Dunning, ion Westmorland Family running the Tebay and Westmorland Services
Lunch at 12:00 noon
Session #7 13:10 - Elephant 2â presented by Julie Robinson, Partner, Roythornes Solicitors & Guy Moreton of MorePeople
Session #8 14:40 - Elephant 3 presented by Neil Parish, former MP and chair of the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Select Committee from 2015-2022
Session #9 15:50 - Feedback with the WCFA Committee
Session #10 16:20 - Closing Remarks by Christopher Day, Chair of WCFA. We will finish at the earlier time of 16:30.